BA Publication process guide

Publication Process - Steps and Information.
(The headache saving guide for you and your colleagues)
So your author is ready for the publication process.  Before you start it is important you explain to the client that during this process there will be a lot of back and forth emails, and the longer they take to respond the longer the process will take (nicely but firmly).  To help keep the process on track follow the steps below.
Book Content
  1. Send the draft from client to Judith (editor) for the editing process (word format).  During this process Judith will send the book back for approval by the client.  When you forward it onto the client inform them that if they wish to make any changes, they must reply via email stating; the changes to be made, page number, paragraph number and line.  If it is not stated clearly the changes will not be made.  If they request changes forward e-mail to Judith.  Continue this process until the client is happy.
  2. Once editing has been completed, send to James for formatting. James will format(lay out) the book, and send it back for approval. Again forward onto the client for approval, if they request any changes, they must be clearly stated via e-mail. Continue this process until the client is happy. The final version must be PDF format.
  3. KDP (this is where you upload the final version of the book), Whilst steps 1 and 2 are happening, ask the client to create an account with Amazon, using the following link Amazon will provide the isbn number which you will need later. Once the client has created the account ask them to send you the login information and password.
  •  If I client needs their book transcribing contact Nancy, once it is transcribed follow steps 1 - 3
  • Ensure that when you are forwarding emails between clients and the team you remove any personal information (names, email addresses etc) of either party.
The client is responsible to arrange (via a designer) and implement the cover design.  We suggest they use a designer from fiverr (but this is normally explained at the camp), you need to ensure they have all the requirements before they start this process.  The requirements are as follows:-
·         Size - 13.97 x 21.59 each side
·         Page total - to give measurements for the spine (ask James for this when sending it to formatting)
·         Authors photo (back cover)
·         Book synopsis/Blurb (back cover)
·         Wow book publishing logo (back cover)·

·         Space left for the barcode and isbn number
·         Prices in £ (pounds), $ (dollars) and € (euros)
Before you go to publication, you must ensure your client to submits a statement via e-mail stating that they are happy with the final version and are ready to go to the final printing/uploading phase.
Important Contact Information
Judith -
James -
Nancy -
Vishal -

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